CB Response: Binary Search spins and fails to load results
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CB Response: Binary Search spins and fails to load results


Article ID: 285761


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • When searching for a binary, a spinning progress will appear, but when it's done, nothing has changed on the search page
  • Requests in /var/log/cb/nginx/access.log show 500 responses
  • Solr's debug.log has an error containing the following statement
    null:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Exception during facet.field: hostname


  • CB Response Server: 6.1.2 and Higher


This issue occurs when the facet query times out and produces an error.


There are two possible workarounds. Choose a workaround depending on how frequently this error occurs

  1. If this occurs for one particular binary search, you can modify the search URL. Once the search times out, add &facet.method=enum to the end of the URL
  2. If this issue occurs for most or all binary searches, you can disable the facet which causes this error. For example, in the Solr error above, the facet "hostname" was causing the timeout.

    1. Edit /etc/cb/cb.conf. Set the CoreServicesDisabledBinaryFacets value to whatever facet is failing
  1. Restart coreservices on the Master server.
service cb-coreservices restart