CB Protection: How To Enable Windows Installer Embedded File Protection Using Custom Rules
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CB Protection: How To Enable Windows Installer Embedded File Protection Using Custom Rules


Article ID: 285754


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Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


The Windows Installer Embedded File Protection Rapid Config is available to customers running 8.0.0 patch 7 and higher. For customers unable to upgrade to patch 7 at this time, the solution below can be used to import custom rules for the same functionality.


  • CB Protection Server: 8.0.0 Patch 3 - 8.0.0 Patch 6


  1. Download the .rules from this link:  https://sflinks.carbonblack.com/CkgUvNrDlmo/
  2. In the CB Protection Console, navigate to Rules > Software Rules > Custom
  3. Click on the Import Rules button
  4. Choose the file downloaded in the first step
  5. Check the box in front of the rule named "Report execution of jar files identified as Installers"
  6. Click on Import
  7. After importing, the rule will appear at the top of the list.
  8. Make sure to enable the rule here so it will take effect

Additional Information

Information on the Rapid Config can be found here:

The post from Threat Research can be found here: