Please reach out to support if you have many sensors affected. Support can configure the HEDR server to use the sensor to server certificates similar to a default EDR on-prem instance. The self signed certificate will cause a "this site is unsafe" message in the browser while this change is enabled. This can be done temporarily to allow the sensors to connect up and downgrade to 7.3.2 or another version of your choice.
- Please make sure to set your sensor groups upgrade policy to upgrade to latest or specific version.
- Groups that have custom site throttling settings that limit the package download can result in slow downgrade and upgrades, please keep this in mind as the downgrade can fail if throttling is set too low.
- Give support an estimated time you would like this change live. The conversion will not create downtime
If this temporary workaround to downgrade sensors is not an option for your company, the sensor will need to be uninstalled and a 7.3.2 or lower version will need to be installed until this can be fixed.