psql -p 5002 cb -x -c "select CASE a.action_type when 0 then 'Email' when 1 then 'Syslog' when 3 then 'Alert' end as subscriber_type,f.display_name FROM alliance_feeds as f JOIN watchlist_action as a on (f.id = a.alliance_feed_id);"
psql -p 5002 cb -x -c "select CASE a.action_type when 0 then 'Email' when 1 then 'Syslog' when 3 then 'Alert' end as subscriber_type, w.*,u.username from watchlist_entries as w JOIN watchlist_action as a on (w.id = a.watchlist_id) LEFT JOIN watchlist_action_subscriber as s on (s.watchlist_action_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN cb_user as u on (s.user_id = u.id) order by w.id asc;"
Note: Remove -x if you would like the entries displayed in rows, this can sometimes be difficult to read due to word wrap. -x splits each entry by key:value\n for easier reading.