EDR: Unable to Export Sensor CSV in 7.6.0 (sensors.json failed)
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EDR: Unable to Export Sensor CSV in 7.6.0 (sensors.json failed)


Article ID: 285663


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response) Carbon Black Hosted EDR (formerly Cb Response Cloud)


When exporting sensors to the csv to a sensors.json file with "server failed' message


  • EDR Console: 7.6.0


Configuration that paginates sensors in the console is not allowing the API call to complete


  1. Log into the console
  2. Change the URL to call on the API
  3. A message will display with the limits
    '{"message":"Unpaged request has <num> results, exceeds limit of 1000. Please consider using paging."}'
  4. Follow this KB to adjust the configuration above the request results: EDR: Unpaged request has "x" results, exceeds limit of 1000. Please consider using paging

Additional Information

  • Setting this to a higher value will reduce the performance in the sensors page, in instances with many sensors the page may not load if "all sensors" has been selected
  • This will be corrected in 7.6.2 with CB-37809 to allow pagination but ignore it for csv export
  • If you utilize cbapi to export the sensors, please upgrade to 1.7.6 to take advantage of the pagination. No adjustments needed to your script as cbapi will do the pagination. All Products: How to Update CbAPI