CB Defense: How to exclude the CB Defense Sensor as the reason for a reported issue
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CB Defense: How to exclude the CB Defense Sensor as the reason for a reported issue


Article ID: 285617


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


How to rule out CB Defense as a determinant in any issue being reported, as part of Sensor Troubleshooting


  • CB Defense PSC Sensor: All supported Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All supported versions
  • Apple macOS: All Supported Versions
  • Linux OS: All supported versions


  1. If the issue is still present when the Sensor is in Bypass, then uninstall the Sensor to once again confirm if the issue is still present
  2. If the issue is still present after the Sensor has been uninstalled, then CB Defense can be ruled out as a determinant in this case
  3. Consult with your IT Team (if need be) to let them know that CB Defense is not causing the issue

Additional Information

  • If the sensor is in bypass and an issue is still occurring, this is generally speaking, a sign that the CB Defense sensor may not be part of any issue being reported
  • Uninstalling the sensor completely, will remove any doubt
  • For additional info regarding the troubleshooting of CB Defense Sensors, please see the 'Related Content' link below