Carbon Black Cloud: Dell Support Assist/PC Doctor flagged with incorrect reputation
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Carbon Black Cloud: Dell Support Assist/PC Doctor flagged with incorrect reputation


Article ID: 285451


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Workload Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter) Carbon Black Cloud Prevention


  • PC Doctor/ Dell Support Assist was recently updated on Endpoint 
  • Alerts for KNOWN_MALWARE appearing in console
  • Hash has not been corrected


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All Versions
  • Carbon Black Cloud Windows Sensor: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


Dell Support Assist was recently updated and the hash af213010798bf17bd34dbbb6cdb8ab8f1a670f908b65f51901aeea9938bc491c is being flagged as KNOWN_MALWARE


The hash af213010798bf17bd34dbbb6cdb8ab8f1a670f908b65f51901aeea9938bc491c for the dbutil.vulnerability.cleanup.dll has been updated and is now reporting correctly. 

Additional Information

If devices have been offline since 8/6 they may trigger a FP alert due to the cached reputation but will pull down the correct rep upon sensor check-ins. If the reputation does not update after several sensor check-ins, please open a support case for further assistance.