CB Response: Cbdaemon causes high CPU when installed on a NAS
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CB Response: Cbdaemon causes high CPU when installed on a NAS


Article ID: 285387


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


CPU usage increases after installing the Linux Sensor on a NAS mounted file system.


  • CB Resonse Linux Sensor: All Versions


This is a known issue with the Response driver.


The following steps can be used as a workaround:
  1. Stop the daemon:
    service cbdaemon stop          
    service cbdaemon status
  2. Unload the driver:
    lsmod | grep cbsensor 
    modprobe -r cbsensor          
    modprobe -r cbsensor (must execute this twice)          
    lsmod | grep cbsensor
  3. Install gdb:
    yum install gdb
  4. Modify the module:
    cp /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/lib/cbsensor.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/lib/cbsensor.ko.ORIG
    gdb -write /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/lib/cbsensor.ko         
    (gdb) p /x g_enableHooks         $1 = -1         
    (gdb) set {int}&g_enableHooks = 0xFFFFFFBF         
    (gdb) p /x g_enableHooks         
    (gdb) q
  5. Reload module and restart daemon:
    service cbdaemon start

Additional Information

While this is a known issue, there is no current timeline of when this will be fully addressed.
Confirm the cbdaemon service has started:
1. service cbdaemon status
2. lsmod | grep cbsensor