CB Response: How to download events for a process within a specific time period
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CB Response: How to download events for a process within a specific time period


Article ID: 285346


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Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


How to download events for a process within a specific time period from the browser.


  • CB Response Server: 6.x


  1. Navigate to the CB Response Analyze page Navigate for the specific process you wish to export events for, your URL should appear similar to the following example: 
Example URL: https://<your_server>/#/analyze/00000050-0000-025c-01d4-daaf3d153e7f/1556532324995?cb.legacy_5x_mode=false 
      Note: In the above example, 00000050-0000-025c-01d4-daaf3d153e7f is the guid of the process, and 1556532324995 is the segment ID (which we will not be using).
  1. Modify the URL.  Replace <your_server>, <guid> <to_timestamp>, and <from_timestamp> with your values in the format:
  1. Navigate to the URL to generate an export of events within the specified timeframe.

Additional Information

  • Output format is in JSON only.  CSV is not supported.