CBC: Is the Carbon Black Product Vulnerable to this CVE?
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CBC: Is the Carbon Black Product Vulnerable to this CVE?


Article ID: 285273


Updated On: 03-22-2024


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


Is the Carbon Black product vulnerable to this CVE?


  • Carbon Black Cloud:  All versions


Let's break it down:
  • Did Carbon Black write the code?
    • If yes, then Carbon Black probably created the CVE. 
      • Check UeX for Knowledge-Base article to determine if there is a patch or workaround. 
      • Determine the ETA for the fix.
  • Did a third-party write the code?
    • Code is deployed with CBC: Check if a Knowledge-Base article exists or contact CB Support to be certain and determine if a workaround is needed. 
      • For example:  OSQuery is third-party software that is deployed with CBC.  
    • CBC uses local code:  Carbon Black may use local software which is the responsibility of the customer for patching and upgrading.