EDR: Services Timing Out On Startup via SystemCTL failed (Result: timeout)
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EDR: Services Timing Out On Startup via SystemCTL failed (Result: timeout)


Article ID: 285234


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • cb-enterprise services do not fully start due to SystemD timeout
  • 'Result: timeout' error seen when running : systemctl status cb-enterprise : 
    • cb-enterprise.service - SYSV: Carbon Black is a surveillance camera for your computer -- always recording so you know precisely what happened and where. This component provides an internal interface to the primary datastore.
         Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/cb-enterprise; static; vendor preset: disabled)
         Active: failed (Result: timeout) since Mon 2019-10-21 12:28:00 EDT; 21s ago



  • EDR Server: All Versions
  • CentOS/RHEL: Version 7.x


  • This article has historically been meant for:
    • Instances with less resources.
    • Instances with slow startups or loading multiple services on startup may experience a timeout.
  • Symptoms :
    • cb-enterprise services is taking longer than the default systemd timeout
    • When the timeout is reached the services stop initializing.
    • This can be verified from the startup time of the cb-enterprise services in the /var/log/messages log.  Anything over the default 5 minutes will result in a timeout.
  • Notice:
    • There is no harm in extending this timeout, however this may mask another underlying condition.  This being said, extremely long startups aren't typically expected.  If the resulting services are taking more than 10 minutes to fully start, please check individual services that are failing to start or reach out to VMWare Carbon Black Support.


  1. Check for DNS response.  A dns entry that is bad or slow can cause services to timeout. 
    1. Get the dns entries on the server
      cat /etc/resolv.conf
    2. use nslookup to get a response on localhost. Run through each entry in the resolv.conf like below. An example is a dns server of If the response on just one entry does not come back or is slow it can cause timeouts.  
      # nslookup
      >server <dns address 1>
  2. If you have a proxy setup, confirm that localhost and are set to no_proxy in the environment variables, if these are not they should be added 
    export | grep -i proxy
  3. If the services timed out at any time and got into a failed state, systemctl may need to be told to exit the failed state in order for the services to start
    1. Stop services again
    2. Check for any running service by the user cb and kill the processes that are still running
      ps -aef | grep cb
    3. Once all processes are cleared, run the following command to reset the failed state
      systemctl reset-failed
  4. If the above items do not correct the issue, the next step is to extend the timeout using unit file : 
    1. Create a cb-enterprise unit file by running the following command:
      systemctl edit --ful cb-enterprise.service
    2.  Increase this parameter in the file
    3.  Save the file and exit VI
    4.  Reload the systemd units
      systemctl daemon-reload
  5. To enable start at boot: 
    1. Add the following lines to the bottom of the /etc/systemd/system/cb-enterprise.service file : 
    2. Save the file.
    3. Run the following command from the terminal : 
systemctl enable cb-enterprise.service


Additional Information

  • If the problem persists, disable the gevent resolution by adding the following variable to cb.conf on all EDR servers and restarting cb-enterprise or the cluster.  Consider notifying Customer Support if this option was needed.