EDR: How to Permanently Disable All Repos on the Application Server Except Carbon Black
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EDR: How to Permanently Disable All Repos on the Application Server Except Carbon Black


Article ID: 285209


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


To only enable the CarbonBlack repo


  • EDR Server: All Versions
  • EDR Application Server
  • CentOS: 6.x


  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Switch user to root:
    #: su root
  3. Disable all repos:
    yum-config-manager --disable \*
  4. Enable the CarbonBlack repo:
    yum-config-manager --enable \CarbonBlack

Additional Information

  • Consider first if all other repos should be disabled before using this method.
  • This can be a permanent fix for those using a CentOS version that has reached end of life and no longer want to temporarily disable repos when upgrading EDR.