Getting a NATURAL ERROR DETECTED error screen displayed with Program : USR2014N Error : 6501, when attempting to Save SCL in the Endevor Natural Environment (EINE).
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Getting a NATURAL ERROR DETECTED error screen displayed with Program : USR2014N Error : 6501, when attempting to Save SCL in the Endevor Natural Environment (EINE).


Article ID: 28518


Updated On:


Endevor Endevor Natural Integration


The Software AG subroutine USR2014N is terminating with a NAT6501 error when attempting to invoke the Software AG Editor. 

 19:37:11               ***** NATURAL HELP UTILITY *****               
Library SYSTEM        - Natural System Message NAT6501 -          
    SAG editor buffer pool not found, invalid or not active.                   
 Tx *** Short Text ***                                                         
    SAG editor buffer pool not found, invalid or not active.                   
 Ex *** Explanation ***                                                        
    The SAG editor buffer pool is not defined correctly, not allocated or      
    not started. Possibly, it was initalized with a Natural                    
    nucleus of a different Natural version. An editor buffer pool cannot       
    be shared by different Natural versions.                                   
    If you have defined an auxiliary SAG editor buffer pool with the profile   
    parameter EDPSIZE, there may not be enough memory to allocate it.    

Ac *** Recommended Action ***                                                
   Check if the NTBP macro in the Natural pameter module specifies the       
   editor buffer pool correctly. For a global buffer pool, check if it has   
 been started successfully. Correct problem and restart Natural session.       



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Endevor Integration for the Natural Environment 





The Software AG Editor must be installed and the Software AG Editor buffer pool sized appropriately in the TSO and CICS Natural nucleus used to start EINE sessions.


In the TSO and CICS Natural nucleus used to access EINE, verify that the NTBPI macro with TYPE=EDIT is included and the SIZE is 512 or greater: