Sensor upgrade failure due to missing ELAM drivers
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Sensor upgrade failure due to missing ELAM drivers


Article ID: 285079


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Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


  • Upgrade from sensor version to or fails
  • Installer log shows CbElam.sys was not able to uninstall:
INFO install: RunInf: Uninstall for CbELAM.inf
ERROR ERROR: install: RunInf: Unable to open inf file C:\Program Files\Confer\CbELAM.inf: last error 2 0x2
  • ​​​​​​MSI errors show a failure during uninstall of CbElam.sys:
CAUninstallDriverService: Uninstalling driver service : elam
CAUninstallDriverService: Error 0x80004005: CAUninstallDriverService: Uninstall driver service failed
  • After the install fails, the installer attempts to leave the existing version intact but fails. ctinet and ctifile install successfully, but CbElam fails:
INFO install: InstallAll: InstallDriver
INFO install: InstallAll: CopyDriver: Copying Driver from CbELAM.sys to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\CbELAM.sys
ERROR CopyDriver: ERROR: copy CbELAM.sys failed: 2
ERROR CopyDriver: ERROR: copy CbELAM.sys failed: 2
ERROR CopyDriver: ERROR: copy CbELAM.sys failed: 2
ERROR CopyDriver: ERROR: copy CbELAM.sys failed: 2
ERROR CopyDriver: ERROR: copy CbELAM.sys failed: 2
ERROR CopyDriver: ERROR: copy CbELAM.sys failed: 2
ERROR CopyDriver: ERROR: copy CbELAM.sys failed: 2
ERROR CopyDriver: ERROR: copy CbELAM.sys failed: 2
ERROR CopyDriver: ERROR: copy CbELAM.sys failed: 2
ERROR CopyDriver: ERROR: copy CbELAM.sys failed: 2
ERROR InstallFileDriver: ERROR: copy CbELAM.sys failed
ERROR install: InstallDriver failed​​​​​​


  • Carbon Black Cloud sensor: 3.6.x -
  • Microsoft Windows 10: Redstone 2 (build 15063) and above
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2: All versions


  • Sensor was originally installed to a Windows version that does not support ELAM; after subsequent Windows upgrade, ELAM files were not added
  • ELAM driver backup file missing from C:\Windows\ELAMBKUP directory
  • ELAM entirely missing:
    • C:\Program Files\Confer\CbELAM.inf
    • c:\windows\elambkup\cbelam.sys
    • c:\program files\confer\cbelam.sys


  1. Place the affected device into bypass mode
  2. Copy the missing file(s) from a device that has the same version installed
    •, cbELAM.inf, cbELAM.sys in C:\Program Files\Confer
    • cbELAM.sys in c:\windows\system32\drivers
    • cbELAM.sys in C:\Windows\ELAMBKUP
  3. Re-attempt the upgrade

Additional Information

  • This issue is fixed in Upgrades coming from should no longer run into this. Upgrades from an older version to a newer version (Ex > can run into this.
  • Audit and Remediation customers can run this query to identify devices with this issue:
    WITH isCbElamMissing AS (
    SELECT os.platform,, si.computer_name
    FROM os_version AS os, system_info AS si
    WHERE (os.platform LIKE 'windows') AND
    (CAST( AS INTEGER) >= 15063) AND
    ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM file WHERE path LIKE '\windows\system32\drivers\cbelam.sys') = 0)
    SELECT * FROM isCbElamMissing;