EDR Console shows error: "Cb Threat Intel enabled but not connected"
Server could be temporarily disconnected from the Cb Alliance server due to networking, proxy or Alliance server traffic congestion.
redis-cli -n 1 hgetall AllianceCommStatus > /tmp/comms_troubleshooting-`hostname`_"`date`".txt && /usr/share/cb/cbpost /tmp/comms_troubleshooting*
psql -d cb -p 5002 -c "SELECT * FROM allianceclient_comm_history ORDER BY timestamp DESC;" > /tmp/alliancecommhistory.out && /usr/share/cb/cbpost /tmp/alliancecommhistory.out
curl --cert /etc/cb/certs/carbonblack-alliance-client.crt --key /etc/cb/certs/carbonblack-alliance-client.key https://api.alliance.carbonblack.com:443/api/v1/feeds/ > /tmp/alliance_comm_test.out && /usr/share/cb/cbpost /tmp/alliance_comm_test.out
redis-cli -n 1 hgetall AllianceCommStatus | awk '{getline line2;print $0, line2}' | grep -v 'feed' | grep -v '200'