How to Configure Local Mirror Server to use HTTPS
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How to Configure Local Mirror Server to use HTTPS


Article ID: 285047


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Configure the Local Mirror server to use https when updating from the CB update servers


  • CB Defense PSC Console: All supported versions
  • CB Defense Local Mirror server: Version 2.2 and higher
  • Microsoft Windows: All supported versions


  1. Follow and Instructions on the KB How to configure a Local Mirror (Windows) to download the scripts and gather required files.   
  2. Unpack the the zip file
  3. Edit the do_update.bat file with a text editor
  4. Update the URL address in both command strings to use https in place of http
    upd.exe --mirror --no-config --update-modules-list=VDF,AVE2 --master-file=/idx/master.idx --product-file=/idx/ --key-dir=. --install-dir=%outdir%\32 --internet-srvs=
    upd.exe --mirror --no-config --update-modules-list=VDF,AVE2 --master-file=/idx/master.idx --product-file=/idx/ --key-dir=. --install-dir=%outdir%\64 --internet-srvs=
  5. Save the changes and complete the Local Mirror server setup as noted on the above link.

Additional Information

  • Updating the update_1.cfg and update_2.cfg files to include https in the URL will have the same affect