EDR: Alert Triage Checkboxes Show Up On the Right Partially Off the Screen
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EDR: Alert Triage Checkboxes Show Up On the Right Partially Off the Screen


Article ID: 284978


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Instead of the checkboxes being along the left they are almost off the screen to the right. This renders Triage Alerts page partially unusable.


  • EDR Console: All Supported Versions
  • Chrome: 91.0.4472.77


This is a known issue, documented under CB-35967.


  • This issue is resolved in EDR Server 7.5.1.
  • One workaround can be done via using a version of Chrome <= 90.0.4430.72
  • Another way to workaround the issue is remove the 'max-width:0' parameter from the appropriate CSS file  : 
    • Login to the EDR Instance/Master Node via Terminal.
    • Create a backup directory to backup the file being edited in /tmp/:
mkdir /tmp/cssbackup
  • Make a backup of the css file to be edited (the file below is the current file in the EDR 7.5.0 installation.  There should only be one of this type: cb.min.*.css. Please leave the cbrx.min.*.css file as it is):
cp /var/www/cb/css/cb.min.b31d5000.css /tmp/cssbackup/cb.min.b31d5000.css
  • Remove the 'max-width:0' item in the cb.min.b31d5000.css file (there should only be one instance):
sed -i 's/max-width:0//' cb.min.b31d5000.css
  • Refresh browser on the triage alerts page to see if this workaround has been effective.
  • If this does not resolve the issue, please revert the CSS file to it's backup.
cp /tmp/cssbackup/cb.min.b31d5000.css /var/www/cb/css/cb.min.b31d5000.css


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