EDR: Alert Triage Checkboxes Show Up On the Right Partially Off the Screen
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EDR: Alert Triage Checkboxes Show Up On the Right Partially Off the Screen


Article ID: 284978


Updated On: 07-27-2021


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Instead of the checkboxes being along the left they are almost off the screen to the right. This renders Triage Alerts page partially unusable.


  • EDR Console: All Supported Versions
  • Chrome: 91.0.4472.77


This is a known issue, documented under CB-35967.


  • This issue is resolved in EDR Server 7.5.1.
  • One workaround can be done via using a version of Chrome <= 90.0.4430.72
  • Another way to workaround the issue is remove the 'max-width:0' parameter from the appropriate CSS file  : 
    • Login to the EDR Instance/Master Node via Terminal.
    • Create a backup directory to backup the file being edited in /tmp/:
mkdir /tmp/cssbackup
  • Make a backup of the css file to be edited (the file below is the current file in the EDR 7.5.0 installation.  There should only be one of this type: cb.min.*.css. Please leave the cbrx.min.*.css file as it is):
cp /var/www/cb/css/cb.min.b31d5000.css /tmp/cssbackup/cb.min.b31d5000.css
  • Remove the 'max-width:0' item in the cb.min.b31d5000.css file (there should only be one instance):
sed -i 's/max-width:0//' cb.min.b31d5000.css
  • Refresh browser on the triage alerts page to see if this workaround has been effective.
  • If this does not resolve the issue, please revert the CSS file to it's backup.
cp /tmp/cssbackup/cb.min.b31d5000.css /var/www/cb/css/cb.min.b31d5000.css


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