EDR: Alerts still being seen for disabled Yara rule
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EDR: Alerts still being seen for disabled Yara rule


Article ID: 284969


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Alerts for a Yara rule that has been disabled is still being seen.


  • EDR (formerly CB Response) Server: 6.2.0 and higher


  • Binaries still tagged by the rule will result in alerts on detection.
  • Threat Reports associated with this Rule are still active.


  • Confirm any Threat Reports associated with the rule have been disabled.
  • The following steps can be ran to attempt to remove any tagged binaries:
  1. Use the cbfeed scrubber to remove existing tags for the feed: 
/usr/share/cb/cbfeed_scrubber --untag yara
  1. Run the following to retag the binaries:
/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/bin/python -m cb.maintenance.job_runner --master -vvv feed_search --tag --feed <feedname> --iocs md5


Additional Information

  • Disabling the Yara rule only removes the IOC, but any binaries tagged previously will still be alerted on.
  • CBfeed_scrubber will remove all tags, including those that are still valid. If option --untag is not supplied, it performs a dry run, so it is a good idea to try it first to see how many binary and process docs are impacted