- Generate a list of current cores:
ls -1 /var/cb/data/solr5/cbevents > cores.txt
- This should generate the cores.txt file in the current working directory.
- Modify this list to only the cores that need unmounted.
- Once modified, edit the script below :
- Replacing <API TOKEN> with your API token. This can be found under 'My Profile' section within the CB Response Console.
- Replacing with the server address (if applicable)
for core in $(cat cores.txt); do echo 'curl -XPOST -H "X-Auth-Token:<API TOKEN>" "'$core'/unmount" -k'| sed -e "s/$/ \&\&/" >> curl_core_unmount.txt ; done && cat curl_core_unmount.txt | sed '$ s/ \&\&//' > unmount_cores.sh
- Run the previous loop, which will:
- Output curl_core_unmount.txt
- Add in conditionals (&&) to proceed to the next subsequent core if the previous command completes successfully
- The final "&&" needs to be removed so, the last piped command does this to curl_core_unmount.txt creating unmount_cores.sh
- Allow the script to executed:
chmod +x unmount_cores.sh
- Run the unmount_cores.sh script
- This type of methodology can also be used to remount the cores upon completion, if needed.