EDR Yara-Connector: New Yara Rule Does Not Run on Binaries
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EDR Yara-Connector: New Yara Rule Does Not Run on Binaries


Article ID: 284932


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


When adding a new Yara rule to the cb-yara-connector, it does not retroactively scan binaries.


  • EDR Server: All Supported Versions
  • EDR Yara-Connector: 2.x


  • This is expected and by design, as a full modulestore/binary scan can be expensive on resources.
  • To re-scan the binaries against all rules, including new ones:
    • The cb-yara-connector database can be reset using the cb-yara-manager UI via the Reset DB button:
      • User-added image
    • This can also be reset by removing or backing up the cb-yara-connector database and restarting the cb-yara-connector service:
rm /var/cb/data/cb-yara-connector/feed_db/binary.db
systemctl restart cb-yara-connector
  • Note: this will initiate a re-scan of the modulestore.