CB Protection: Duplicate Host Registration Events When Installing Connecting New Agents
Article ID: 284928
Updated On:
Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
Several machines are not showing in the CB Protection Console.
Dascli status shows Disconnected (Server Error).
Multiple events for Duplicate Host Registrations.
CB Protection Console: All Versions
The computers have identical host IDs usually caused by using an image with the CB Protection Agent installed, but no template created.
In the CB Protection Console, navigate to the events page.
Change the view drop down menu to "Duplicate Computer Registrations".
Click the computer name listed under the Source column.
You only need to click into each computer name displaying these events once.
On the right hand panel, click " Re-Register Computer".
This will cause each one to re-register at next check in. Please wait at least 24 hours for each one to populate in case any are offline.
Additional Information
These errors can be avoided by creating a master image, and template. Full instructions can be found at the following link: https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/How-To-Create-A-Master-Image-With-The-Cb-Protection-Agent/ta-p/43485