Long-running CA Output Management Web Viewer requests can time out in z/OS WebSphere Version 8
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Long-running CA Output Management Web Viewer requests can time out in z/OS WebSphere Version 8


Article ID: 28488


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Output Management Web Viewer


Long-running Web Viewer requests, such as browsing a large APF report as PDF, can time out in z/OS WebSphere Version 8. The WebSphere servant log will display a series of messages culminating with BBOJ0124I.


Release: CA Output Management-Web Viewer 12.1

Component: WBVLUW

WebSphere 8.0


The  Maximum transaction timeout property is set too low and ConnectionResponseTimeout needs to be set.


Long-running Web Viewer requests can be timed out by WebSphere's thread hang recovery mechanism if they exceed a timeout value. The WebSphere servant log will display a series of messages, ending with this one:

BBOJ0124I: The Interruptible Thread Infrastructure timed out a request and it has become unresponsive, request ffffffff, request details: ThreadDetails: ASID = nnnn, TCB = 0X00nnnnnn, Request = ffffffff, Is JVM Blocked = false, Tried to interrupt = true, Given up = true, Internal Work Thread = false, Hung Reason = Dispatch Timer Popped, SR Dispatch Time = <date/time>, CTL Receive Time = <date/time>, CTL Queued to WLM Time = <date/time>, Request Timeout limit = 300, Elapsed Execution Time = 307, CPU Time Used Limit = 0, Outbound Request Timeout Limit = 180, ODI Details = [JVM INTERRUPTIBLE THREAD, Monitor ACTIVE]

  • Resolving this problem requires changing two timeout values. To do this:
  • Log in to WebSphere's administrative console application.
  • Under Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers, select the server which runs Web Viewer
  • On the Application Servers panel, navigate to Container Services > Transaction service
  • Change the Maximum transaction timeout property to a number of seconds which is greater than the expected longest-running Web Viewer request.

  • On the Application Servers panel, navigate to Web Container Settings > Web container > Custom properties
  • Add a property named "ConnectionResponseTimeout" and set it to a number of seconds which is greater than the expected longest-running Web Viewer request.

  • Stop and restart your WebSphere environment so that the changes take effect.
  • In the WebSphere servant log, verify that the following messages reflect the changes that you have made:

            BBOM0001I transaction_maximumTimeout: 1500
            BBOM0001I protocol_http_timeout_output: 1500