High CPU Utilization Or Slow Performance On Servers And File Server
Article ID: 284868
Updated On:
Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)
High CPU utilization or slow performance noted:
On servers
On file servers
Consistent intervals (evenings, weekends, set time)
Endpoint Standard (formerly CB Defense) Sensor: All Supported Versions
Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions
Performance impact may be more pronounced on servers or file servers that have:
Large amount of executable files are being stored
Backup application being run from or against the machine
Policy options that could have a performance impact:
Scan files on network drives
Scan execute on network drives
Delay execute for cloud scan
On-Access File Scan Mode - set to aggressive
Verify vendor recommended AV exclusions are in place / best practices are being followed
Verify backup applications are properly excluded, these applications in particular will have a performance impact as each file will be touched and hence have hashes and reputation created / evaluated
Consider rolling back some of the policy options per your organizations security posture / requirements