What happens when a Carbon Black Cloud license expires
Article ID: 284810
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What happens when a Carbon Black Cloud console license expires?
Carbon Black Cloud Console: All versions
When your Carbon Black org expires, your services enter a renewal grace period. During this time, you retain full access to all services and data, and you can still renew your subscription. A banner in the console displays the specific renewal grace period end date.
If your product license is not renewed by the end of the renewal grace period, your services will enter a 30-day waiting period. During this time, you will lose access to all services and data, and the console will attempt to switch all sensors into bypass mode. Your data is preserved with the exception of any data that exceeds your data retention limits. Your data will continue to be deleted over time, according to your data retention settings. You can renew your subscription to regain access.
If your product license is not renewed by the end of the waiting period, all of your data will be marked for deletion and subsequently deleted. The console will attempt to uninstall the sensors from all assets. After it is marked for deletion, your data cannot be recovered and renewal is not possible.
Additional Information
If your organization has entered the renewal grace period or waiting period and wants to renew their subscription, contact your Broadcom account manager or reseller to initiate the renewal process.
If your organization does not plan to renew their Carbon Black Cloud subscription, please uninstall all sensors from the console before the renewal grace period ends. Although the console attempts to automatically uninstall the sensors from all assets, manual uninstallation is the best method to make sure that they are all successfully uninstalled.
After your organization has been marked for deletion, sensors will need to be uninstalled manually from each asset. If the setting “Require code to uninstall sensor” was enabled in the asset's assigned policy, the company deregistration code is required to uninstall the sensor.
Some add-on features, such as Managed Detection and Response or Extended Detection and Response (XDR), can expire individually and stop functioning even though the base features such as Endpoint Standard or Enterprise EDR continue to function.