VMWare Carbon Black Enterprise EDR: How to collect and upload certificates for sensor to server communications for on-prem server to hosted server conversions
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VMWare Carbon Black Enterprise EDR: How to collect and upload certificates for sensor to server communications for on-prem server to hosted server conversions


Article ID: 284806


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Instructions to acquire and upload on-prem console to sensor communication certificate information to Alliance 


  • Hosted EDR: All supported versions


  1. Run the following command to to obtain the correct certificate information 
    tar -zcvf ~/$(hostname | cut -d "." -f 1)-certs.tar.gz /etc/cb/cert
  2. Run the following command to upload file to the Alliance server 
    /usr/share/cb/cbpost ~/$(hostname | cut -d "." -f 1)-certs.tar.gz
  3. Submit a support case stating certificates have been uploaded to Alliance