How do I analyze codes specified in the CA Roscoe INT02 AWS INTERNAL ERROR message?
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How do I analyze codes specified in the CA Roscoe INT02 AWS INTERNAL ERROR message?


Article ID: 28480


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How do I analyze codes specified in the CA Roscoe INT02 AWS INTERNAL ERROR message?



Component: ROSCOE


The codes specified in the INT02 message are listed in the CA Roscoe Extended Facilities for Systems Programmers Guide Section 4.5. 

Common error codes are:
8 - Insufficient data blocks on AWS.
9 - Insufficient index blocks on AWS.
12 - I/O error on AWS data record.
13 - Additional AWS file needed.
23 - Maximum data blocks used. Reformat AWS increasing data file block size.
24 - Maximum index blocks used. Reformat AWS increasing index file block size.

To correct the INT02 error reallocate the AWS allowing more space if necessary, then use the Roscoe utility FAWSDS to format the AWS data sets.

Additional Information

See the following references

Roscoe Extended Facilities for System Programmers and additional knowledge document How do I analyze codes specified in the CA Roscoe INT02 AWS INTERNAL ERROR message