EDR: What Does The "datastorereservationcountthrottlingenabled" Config Do In cb.conf?
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EDR: What Does The "datastorereservationcountthrottlingenabled" Config Do In cb.conf?


Article ID: 284785


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


What does the "datastorereservationcountthrottlingenabled" config do in cb.conf?


  • EDR Server: All Versions


The "datastorereservationcountthrottlingenabled" config controls sensor throttling at the datastore level; it's used more for server side when the server can’t handle the amount of calls being made.

Additional Information

  • This is different from site throttling, where the sensor is told it can only submit a size of what the user sets, and is used for low bandwidth.
  • This config is disabled by default, and should remain at default unless adjusted for a reason with Support.
  • Disabling this config does not disable all sensor throttling from the server-side.