After checking the configuration, have the User log into the application again and check for open Timesheets .
Check User Access Rights:
- Log into the application as an administrator user
- Administration, Access and Organization: Resources link
- Search for and select the resource
- Check that the Status box is set to 'Active' (User Active Status)
- Click on the Instance link under the Resource's Access Rights Tab
- Make sure that the resource has 'Resource - Enter Time' and 'Resource - Self' rights
- If the user wants to use the Mobile Time Manager application, check to ensure the user has the additional security access right to access this application from a Smart Phone -- Global Access Right = Mobile Time - Access
Check Resource properties:
- Log into the application as an administrator user
- Home, Resources link
- Search for and select the resource
- Check the 'Date of Hire' and 'Date of Termination' dates (timesheets will only show between these dates, if dates are entered)
- Check the 'Availability' field while you are here to make sure it is a valid number of hours (this allows for Task Assignment availability)
- Check the 'Track Mode' to make sure it is set to 'Clarity' (this value allows for Timesheet entry)
- Check the 'Open for Time Entry' field to make sure there is a check mark in the check box (this value allows for Timesheet entry)
- Check the Active box to make sure there is a check mark in the check box (Resource Active Status)
Check for Open Time Reporting Periods:
- Log into the application as an administrator user
- Administration, Project Management: Time Reporting Periods link
- Search for 'Open' Time Reporting Periods
- If there are no results, check for 'Closed' periods
- Active 'Closed' periods or create new periods as needed