What are the considerations for using SessionData for a session/application within TPX?
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What are the considerations for using SessionData for a session/application within TPX?


Article ID: 28325


Updated On: 04-27-2020


TPX - Session Management


What are the considerations for using SessionData for a session-application within CA TPX Session Management?


Release: TPX 5.4
Component: TPX Z/OS


The SessionData field lets you provide up to 60 characters of information to an application when the application session is started.

You can pass information using the SessionData field only if the application will accept that information from the DATA parameter on the LOGON command in the unformatted system services (USS) table.

The syntax for the LOGON command in the USS table is as follows:

LOGON APPLID(applid) DATA(........)

The application controls what can be accepted from the DATA parameter, and thus from CA TPX SessionData.

CA TPX SessionData for an application session can contain CA TPX variables.

  • For example, it can contain variables such as &USERID and &PSWD to indicate the user ID and password used for CA TPX signon (unless another user ID or password is specified for the specific application session on the session detail definition).
  • The parameters should be separated by a comma (,) or slash (/).
  • Specify the data in the order in which the application expects to receive it.  For example: userid,password,xxxxxx

SessionData can be defined at the user and/or profile level, not within the ACT (Applications Characteristics Table).