What are the benefits of using external security to determine the applications that will appear on the TPX Menu for a given user?
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What are the benefits of using external security to determine the applications that will appear on the TPX Menu for a given user?


Article ID: 28322


Updated On:


TPX - Session Management


Identify benefits of using external security to determine which applications will appear on the TPX Menu for a given user.


Release: TPX 5.4
Component: TPX for Z/OS


These are the benefits of specifying an external Security System in the TPX Systems Options Table (SMRT) Security Parameters:

  • TPX maintenance would be reduced to adding or deleting applications and profiles in the system, which in most installations is an infrequent occurrence. The user maintenance would be reduced to security system entries that are required regardless of whether you use TPX.
  • Customization of the signon and signoff exit function code 20 would likely be eliminated.
  • Any exceptions to the normal menu, such as additional authorizations for managers, are resolved by security. External security will manage each application and its appearance on the menu based on the set of permissions defined for the user ID. All exceptions are clearly defined in external security based on the user's position.

For complete information on how to implement this, see Using External Security to Determine Applications on TPX Menu.

In addition, the signon and signoff exit (TPXUSNSF) must be checked under function code 20 to return to TPX with return code 12.
The default exit, as supplied, performs the functionality required. For more information, see Signon and Signoff Exit.