VMware Licensing Transition to Broadcom
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VMware Licensing Transition to Broadcom


Article ID: 282163


Updated On:


Licensing - Manual Provisioning Licensing - Symantec Products Licensing-CA


The transition from the VMware Customer Connect portal to the Broadcom Support Portal has been completed.

There are differences between the two systems, which are outlined below.


Customer Connect Portal Folder Structure

  • Starting Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. (PDT), all VMware Customer Portals are now redirected to the Broadcom Portals. 
  • On VMware systems, you could build a leveled folder structure. Beginning on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. (PDT), that folder structure has been recreated in the Broadcom Support Portal; however, it is transitioned from a stacked folder structure to a flat structure, all on the same level. Along with the transition, the pathing from VMware will be maintained in the incoming folders, and the folders will be named based on that path.

Notes and Labels 

  • It was not possible to migrate the associated notes and labels from the existing VMware file structure. Change in Terminology

There are some changes in the License Key portal terminologies beginning May 6, 2024. Below is a list of the changes:

  • In VMware systems, the term “divide” is changed to “split” in Broadcom systems. 
    • This action is used to break up a single key into multiple keys.  
  • Also, the term “combine” is changed to “merge.”
    • This action will take two or more license keys and merge them into a single license key with greater quantity.
  • Upgrade and Downgrade
    • The ability to upgrade and downgrade allowable license keys is still available in the Broadcom Support Portal. 

Expired License Keys

  • Only license keys that have an active support contract will be brought over to Broadcom systems. After approximately Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. (PDT), if you have license keys associated with expired support contracts, you won’t have access to them in the Broadcom systems.