You have noticed that some of your targets are grayed out and they show a lock icon. This is seen even when you are a member of the Symantec Administrators Role.
You get this message if you right-click a patch and say distribute:
You currently do not have sufficient network access rights to the Symantec Management Console
On every policy – whether App metering, Patch Management, or a software policy… they are greyed out as seen here:
And every target has the lock icon:
ITMS 8.7.x
The scoping is wrong on all of them because they are using an old Security Role Group.
The following query will return the names of the affected policies, and the count of targets per policy that are problematic:
select distinct p.Nameas Policy, COUNT(*)as [Affected Targets]
from ItemAppliesTo iat
join Item pon p.GUID= iat.ItemGuid
join Item ion i.GUID= iat.ResourceTargetGuid
left join ResourceTargetOwnerTrustees roton rot.ResourceTargetGuid= iat.ResourceTargetGuid
left join SecurityTrustee ston st.GUID= rot.TrusteeGuid
where rot.ResourceTargetGuidis null or st.GUIDis null
group by p.Name
order by p.Name
If your account is seeing these resource targets with lock icons, then the account can't use these resource targets.
We have a the following documentation proving information on creating or modifying a resource target:
Creating or Modifying a Resource Target
Here are a few things to check/review:
In this instance, the Symantec Administrators' Security Role was cloned and the button to apply to targets was selected. Then the old Security Role was renamed to in 8.5 as part of the name (as seen in the screenshot above) and the new Security Role is named using the user's normal naming convention.
Note: With our ITMS 8.7.2 release, we added some small fixes in some areas around Security Roles and target functionality.
These were some of the behaviors that were fixed: