Resetting your password on the Broadcom Support Portal via chatbot
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Resetting your password on the Broadcom Support Portal via chatbot


Article ID: 280504


Updated On: 05-02-2024


Support Portal


Learn how to reset your password on the Broadcom Support Portal through the chatbot.

This is helpful if you are having trouble logging in, do not receive the password reset link, and other login issues.


  1. Go to the Support Portal
  2. In the lower-right corner, click the chatbot icon.

  3. Select New Conversation.
  4. Select Account Help.

  5. Click Reset Password.

  6. Enter your account email ID for verification. 
  7. Use the verification code sent to your email address to verify the request.

  8. Once validated, the chatbot displays the email account status.
  9. Click Reset My Password

  10. Check your email for further instructions.

  11. The password reset email will be sent as below

  12. Clicking on the password reset link in the email, opens a page to enter New password and Repeat password

  13. Once the password is entered in both the fields, if all password reset criteria are met, a message is displayed saying : Your password is reset.

Additional Information

Need further assistance?

Contact Broadcom Support or use our Virtual Agent Chat at the bottom-right corner of this website.