Transaction timeout for Gen Transaction Enabler
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Transaction timeout for Gen Transaction Enabler


Article ID: 280210


Updated On: 03-11-2024


Gen Gen - Run Time Distributed


The  external  system is using Gen 8.6 transaction enabler with C server and .NET proxies

Is it possible to setup transaction timeout in a way that transaction rollbacks without committing if it exceeds N seconds (setting threshold limit) ?


The Transaction Enabler(TE)  does not have a transaction timeout feature like  Tuxedo.
Once the TE starts the transaction ,it will let it run to completion without timing it out.

The only way the TE will stop (i.e kill) a running transaction is if the client/proxy disconnects from the TE before the transaction is complete.

Under normal circumstances this killing of the load module will result in a database rollback, However, that is not a guarantee for it could be that the TE issues the kill command just as the transaction is finishing and therefore committing its database work. So disconnecting the client from the TE is not a 100% guarantee of a rollback.
Tuxedo has the concept of a service timeout that can be configured for a Gen transaction if the client to Tuxedo communication is used. However, .NET proxies do not support Tuxedo as a communications method.