Problem with view settings that have table widgets in a canvas
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Problem with view settings that have table widgets in a canvas


Article ID: 279935


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Steps to Reproduce:
1. Setup a new resource:
a. Administration -> Resources -> New
b. Provide the following 'Global' access rights:
i. Hierarchy - Delete - All 
ii. Hierarchy - Edit - All 
iii. Hierarchy - Navigate
iv. Hierarchy - Create
2. Setup a Hierarchies Blueprint:
a. Navigate to Modern UX -> Administration -> Blueprints
b. Copy the "Standard Investment Hiearachy" Blueprint for Hiearchies. Provide a name
c. Edit the Blueprint. Navigate to Modules. Click on "New Canvas". Publish
3. Setup Modern UX views:
a. Navigate to Modern UX -> Hiearachies
b. Create a Hierarchy of Type = "Investment". Associate it with the Blueprint from 2(b)
c. Navigate into the Hierarchy. Navigate to the canvas from 2(c)
d. Configure the canvas. Display the following widget:
i. Table. Target Object = "Investments". Click on Create. Click on Done
e. Click on "Save As" in the "View" dropdown. Provide a name and save
f. Configure the canvas again. Reorder the table. Click on "Done"
g. Click on "Save As" in the "View" dropdown. Provide a different name and save
h. Click on "Manage" in the "View" dropdown. Make the view from step 3(e) "Recommended" and share it with "Everyone". Share the view from step 3(g) with "Everyone", do not mark it as "Recommended"
4. Login with the user from step 1
a. Navigate into the Hierarchy from step 3(b), and the canvas from step 3(c)
b. Load the view from step 3(g)
c. Click on "Configure". Click on "Configure" against the table widget. Do not do any changes. Click on "Done". Click on "Done" against the canvas
d. Click on "Save As" in the Views dropdown. Provide a Name and save
e. Load the view from step 3(e)
f. Click on "Configure". Click on "Configure" against the table widget. Do not do any changes. Click on "Done". Click on "Done" against the canvas
g. Click on "Save As" in the Views dropdown. Provide a Name and save.
Expected Results:
1. View from step 4(d) is not shared with everyone
2. View from step 4(g) is not shared with everyone AND not set as recommended.
Actual Results:
1. View from step 4(d) is shared with everyone
2. View from step 4(g) is shared with everyone AND set as recommended.






DE79803 is fixed in 16.2.2 and backported to 16.2.1 patch 1