Telemetry job fails with Premature end of chunk and Users getting failure emails
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Telemetry job fails with Premature end of chunk and Users getting failure emails


Article ID: 279720


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Telemetry job is failing with errors java.lang.ClassCastException and Premature end of chunk

Example error messages:

ERROR 2024-04-03 23:30:15,569 [Dispatch TELEMETRY_JOB : bg@iccccc (tenant=clarity)] analytics.AnalyticsClient (clarity:admin:55109394__B2137112-1536-4503-AE6C-3DD468C3697D:TELEMETRY_JOB) Error in Broadcom telemetry retry call

java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class java.lang.Long (java.lang.String and java.lang.Long are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')

ERROR 2024-04-02 23:30:07,877 [Dispatch TELEMETRY_JOB : bg@xxxxx (tenant=clarity)] analytics.AnalyticsClient (clarity:admin:55034515__A92BB980-8A98-4D06-9E19-8A87AFEB612E:TELEMETRY_JOB) Error Sending Data to Broadcom telemetry

ERROR 2024-04-02 23:30:07,883 [Dispatch TELEMETRY_JOB : bg@xxxxx (tenant=clarity)] telemetry.TelemetryUtil (clarity:admin:55034515__A92BB980-8A98-4D06-9E19-8A87AFEB612E:TELEMETRY_JOB) Telemetry Job Failure, Empty email notification list.

       ERROR 2024-04-01 23:30:08,123 [Dispatch TELEMETRY_JOB : bg@xxxxx (tenant=clarity)] analytics.AnalyticsClient (clarity:admin:54979790__8E853A79-D809-4847-BD95-63FD14A10E06:TELEMETRY_JOB) Error Sending Data to Broadcom telemetry

org.apache.http.ConnectionClosedException: Premature end of chunk coded message body: closing chunk expected


Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Login to Clarity with setup Telemetry
  2. (Optional) Navigate to Administration --> System Option --> Subscription Compliance Setup 
  3. (Optional) Populate the field Error Notification Email    
  4. Wait for a day as Telemetry job runs midnight 

Expected Results: The Telemetry job should be successful and telemetry data to be sent to Broadcom, also there should not be an error email notification

Actual Results: Telemetry job fails with errors, telemetry data is not sent to Broadcom and user gets an email with Subject: Telemetry Job Failure 

Note: if you skip step 2 and 3, the job still fails with the same error, and you will not get an email notification


Clarity 16.1.x, 16.2.0, 16.2.1




DE79756 is fixed on 16.2.2 and 16.2.1 patch 1 

Workaround: (only to avoid getting failure emails): Remove the email address that is configured under Subscription Compliance Setup. The workaround will only address the emails and the job will still be failing until upgrade to or 16.2.2+