How frequently should you perform Global RESOLV in CA 7?
CA 7 global RESOLV must be done twice a year, sometime between January 01 and June 30 which will resolve schedules for the entire current year. Then again between July 01 and December 31 which will resolve schedules for July current year up to June the next year and requires you to have next year's calendar to be built. Global RESOLVs should be done in batch (using the Batch Terminal Interface). The syntax for the commands:
RESOLV,OLDYR=,TEST=NO,PRINT=[YES or NO] to resolve all calendars
RESOLV,OLDYR=*,TEST=NO,PRINT=[YES or NO],SCAL=xx where xx is a specific calendar identifier and repeat for all calendars
The PRINT can be YES or NO. YES will cause a lot of output and ensure that the batchout data set is large enough to handle this.
Note that you can use the JOB= keyword with a generic value to control the scope of jobs to be included in a particular RESOLV command execution.
Always check the RESOLV output to be sure that all schedules have been resolved successfully. Also be sure to check the RESOLV output for message 'SRC1-117 (W) ID MULTIPLE SCHEDULES AT LEAST ONE DAY'. This message indicates two or more SCHDIDs are scheduled to process on the same day. This message may indicate a scheduling error was made. You need to determine if the job should process multiple times on the same day. If it should, this is an informational message. If not, then you can add DUPDATE=YES to the RESOLV command to see what date(s) are duplicate scheduled so that the schedule can be corrected.
Use the LSCHD command to determine if you have any expired schedules or if there are schedules that will expire after June 30 or December 31. Between January 1 and June 30, you can enter the following command to see any schedules that will expire July 1:
OR to see schedules that will expire December 31, enter:
The command to enter to see if you have any current expired schedules:
A RESOLV will remove any manual modification(s) done via the SCHDMOD panel to schedules. Before resolving schedules, do this command to see if any have been SCHDMODed:
Base calendars are required for schedule resolution and can be generated through either batch or online facilities.
To use the online facility (DB.2.8), a CA 7 calendar PDS must be allocated and identified to CA 7.
Processing of base calendars for resolution of schedules is the same, regardless of whether they were generated using the batch or online facilities.
There is also a perpetual calendar option (PCAL) that will automatically generate new calendars when needed.
Calendars can also be generated in batch through the CA 7 CALENDAR macro. Macro keywords are used for calendar definition and the macro is assembled and link-edited using standard procedures. Base calendars are link-edited to the CA 7 LOADLIB or a specified calendar library, and are stored in the form of bit masks which represent available and unavailable processing days for the year. Each calendar defines a single year comprised of 12 months with a starting and ending year boundary that can be crossed only in the first or 12th month.
Use the PRINT command to produce a month-by-month listing of a calendar. PRINT produces output that reflects the beginning and ending days of each month, holidays or any other non-processing days that were defined when the calendar was produced.
Whenever a calendar-oriented processing schedule expires (at the end of June or the end of the year) or the scheduling frequency is redefined for any other reason, it again becomes necessary to resolve the schedule. Options on the RESOLV command are provided for resolving all or any subsets of those tasks scheduled with a single command.