This document provides the best practices for installing the Java Runtime Environment and OpenWebStart.
DX NetOps Spectrum 22.2.x and 23.3.x
These screenshots are from Spectrum version 23.3.13.
1. Download the Java Runtime Environment and OpenWebStart from the OneClick web page (Home → Install JRE and Web Start Client)
2. Right-click on the Java Runtime Environment installer file and select Install.
Take note of the directory where JRE is being installed which will be required in the OpenWebStart configuration.
3. Right-click on the OpenWebStart installer file and click on Run as administrator.
Choose the default if this workstation is not shared with other users.
If the C:\Program Files\OpenWebStart destination folder is not displayed the user does not have administrator privileges.
4. Launch the OpenWebStart Settings
5. Select JVM Manager → Add local → select the C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jre-xx.y.ww.z-hotspot directory, and click on the Open button.
6. The Java Runtime Environment will be added.
7. Click on Start Console.
8. Launch the downloaded oneclick.jnlp file.
9. Do not update the Java Runtime Environment as the new version may be incompatible with Spectrum OneClick.
10. Disable the updates.
11. If needed enable Logging in debug mode in case to further investigate an issue.