What is the procedure for installing Harweb on a Windows server?
CA Harvest SCM all versions
The first thing to do when preparing to install Harweb on a Windows server is to check the Release Notes - Supportability Matrix page for the supported versions of Tomcat and Java. For SCM 14.5, this is the link: CA Harvest SCM 14.5 - Supportability Matrix - Web Application Servers
The prerequisites you will need before installing Harweb are:
Note: All of these components must be at the same bit level for a successful installation. For example, if you install the 32-bit SCM Client, the Web Application Server software and Java must also be 32-bit. Or, if one of the components is 64-bit, all must be 64-bit.
Note: For Harweb v14.5, download links for the needed components are at the bottom of this article.
After installing the prerequisites, ensure the following environment variables are properly set in your environment:
To begin the Harweb installation,
Instead of the CA Harvest Software Change Manager login page, you might see something like this instead:
This is a very generic error that could have many different causes. To gather more information about the problem, the first place to check is the Application Server log files. For Tomcat, navigate to the <Tomcat installation folder>\log folder and review the *catalina*.log and the *stderr*.log. You will find more information about the problem there. Once you have identified a more specific error message, search our knowledge base or contact support for further assistance.
Tomcat 9 download: https://tomcat.apache.org/download-90.cgi
Get: 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer (pgp, sha512)
AdoptOpenJDK 11 download: https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/?version=11&os=windows&arch=x64&package=jdk
Get the .msi
JDBC Driver for SQL Server: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/jdbc/download-microsoft-jdbc-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver15
Get: Download Microsoft JDBC Driver 12.6 for SQL Server (zip)