Windows 11 version 23H2 has been released since 31 Oct 2023.
You may be planning to update your clients to Windows 11 23H2.
Is there a way for patch management to facilitate this process?
ITMS 8.6, 8.7
If you need to upgrade from Windows 10 to 11 (since the suggestions presented later on only work if you are already in Windows 11), Software Management Solution is a better fit for such process. Please refer to the following KB Article:
Upgrading to Windows 11 using Software Management Solution
We support Windows 11 23H2 as far as managing client machines with that version. See the following support statement:
Now, regarding Patch Management and Altiris PMImport Metadata for Windows 11 v23H2 support, We don't have a "direct" way to enable updating Windows 11 machines to 23H2. What we have provided to other customers as guidance has been the following: