Dynamic Categorization Service over HTTP support for Edge SWG (ProxySG)
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Dynamic Categorization Service over HTTP support for Edge SWG (ProxySG)


Article ID: 278342


Updated On:


ProxySG Software - SGOS


In a continuous effort to improve the security of our service delivery, dynamic categorization requests will no longer be supported over the HTTP protocol as of Mar 29, 2024.

Dynamic categorization requests over HTTP are not supported nor possible in current versions of ProxySG, including SGOS 7.x and the previous LTR version, SGOS 6.7.5.x.

This change only affects customers running older and currently unsupported SGOS versions.


Dynamic categorization requests over HTTP are not supported nor possible in current versions of ProxySG, including SGOS 7.x and the previous LTR version, SGOS 6.7.5.x and is unaffected by the transition to HTTPS for Dynamic categorization.

Customers running ProxySG versions 6.5 or earlier should confirm that dynamic categorization is configured to make HTTPS requests.  This can be checked by running the following CLI command:

# show content-filter bluecoat

Look for the “Secure” configuration setting under “Dynamic Categorization”:

Dynamic Categorization:
  Secure:                               Enabled

If this setting is “Disabled”, it can be enabled by running the following CLI command:

# config t
(config) content-filter
(config content-filter) bluecoat
(config bluecoat) service secure enable