UIM api fetching data from which db table ?
UIM 20.49
uimapi have the ability to pull alarms by using the below query.
select * from NAS_TRANSACTION_LOG where severity = 'xx'
All within the last day:
select * from NAS_TRANSACTION_LOG where severity = 'xx' and time > (select dateadd(day, -1, getdate()))
All within the last week:
select * from NAS_TRANSACTION_LOG where severity = 'xx' and time > (select dateadd(week, -1, getdate()))
Run the above queries against both DB tables, it's the nas_alarms table & nas_transaction_summary table.
uimapi queries the NAS_ALARMS table for alarm details. NAS_ALARMS contains only open alarms, once an alarm is closed either manually or via a clear alarm, that alarm is removed from NAS_ALARMS.