We need to get the encrypted LDAP Connection Password value from the NetOps Portal NetQoS Portal Database and manually insert it into the NFA database.
Note: Run the commands in Step 1 and Step 2 as-is. Do not make any changes. MySQL root password is required. Substitute your password with the default, 'root@123', if changed.
- First start on the NetOps Portal Server and run the below query with the proper credentials. This will return the <encryptedvalue>.
mysql -P3306 -D netqosportal -uroot -p -t -e "select PropValue from performance_center_properties where propname='LDAPConnectionPassword' and priority = (select max(priority) from performance_center_properties where propname='LDAPConnectionPassword' and deleted='N');"
- No on the NFA Console Server you can run the below command and substitute in the encrypted value from the above command from the Portal Server.
mysql -P3308 -D reporter -uroot -proot@123 -t -e "REPLACE INTO performance_center_properties ( PropName, Priority, PropValue, Deleted, UpdatedOn ) VALUES( 'LdapConnectionPassword', '2', '<encryptedvalue>', 'N', unix_timestamp() );"
- If you are on NFA 23.3.11 ONLY (this is resolved for 23.3.12), please run this one additional query:
mysql -P3308 -D reporter -uroot -proot@123 -t -e "update performance_center_properties set propvalue='#0zq$1x3r&wpj][ ' where propname='NpcEncryptionDecryptionKey';"
- Now you can restart the NFA Consoles "Performance Center SSO Service" (it may be named CA Performance Center SSO Service on your server).
- You should now be able to log in.