NFA 23.3.3+ 500 errors after trying to login
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NFA 23.3.3+ 500 errors after trying to login


Article ID: 278283


Updated On:


DX NetOps CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


After upgrading to NFA 23.3.3+ you may run into an issue to where if you try to enter your LDAP / AD credentials to the NFA SSO page that it returns the error messages. 

This page isn't working 
500. That's an error


NFA 23.3.3+


This is a known issue and bug for these versions of NFA:

NFA 23.3.3 / 23.3.4 Known Issues



We need to get the encrypted LDAP Connection Password value from the NetOps Portal NetQoS Portal Database and manually insert it into the NFA database.

Note: Run the commands in Step 1 and Step 2 as-is.  Do not make any changes.  MySQL root password is required. Substitute your password with the default, 'root@123', if changed.

  1. First start on the NetOps Portal Server and run the below query with the proper credentials. This will return the <encryptedvalue>.

    mysql -P3306 -D netqosportal -uroot -p -t -e "select PropValue from performance_center_properties where propname='LDAPConnectionPassword' and priority = (select max(priority) from performance_center_properties where propname='LDAPConnectionPassword' and deleted='N');"

  2. No on the NFA Console Server you can run the below command and substitute in the encrypted value from the above command from the Portal Server.

    mysql -P3308 -D reporter -uroot -proot@123  -t -e "REPLACE INTO performance_center_properties ( PropName, Priority, PropValue, Deleted, UpdatedOn ) VALUES( 'LdapConnectionPassword', '2', '<encryptedvalue>', 'N', unix_timestamp() );"

  3. If you are on NFA 23.3.11 ONLY (this is resolved for 23.3.12), please run this one additional query:

    mysql -P3308 -D reporter -uroot -proot@123  -t -e "update performance_center_properties set propvalue='#0zq$1x3r&wpj][ ' where propname='NpcEncryptionDecryptionKey';"

  4. Now you can restart the NFA Consoles "Performance Center SSO Service" (it may be named CA Performance Center SSO Service on your server).

  5. You should now be able to log in.