In the EMS probe I am unable to change the logsize.
The "logsize" key in Raw Configure is not respected and the log grows beyond what I have configured.
In EMS 10.30, this works fine.
In EMS 10.31, there is a defect which prevents the logsize from changing away from the default 10MB.
In EMS 10.35 (shipped with UIM 20.4 CU10) and EMS 23.4.0 (shipped with UIM 23.4) the logsize key does not work but it is possible to use an alternate method.
If you are using EMS 10.31, upgrade to UIM 20.4 CU10 when it is released, or upgrade to UIM 23.4 which is available now.
After upgrading, the following steps are needed to change the log size. By default the logsize will be set to 10MB, and 5 sequential copies will be kept.
1. For the EMS probe go to Raw Configure and add to "startup->opt" at the end of java_opts the following:
2. Now you may edit the log4j2.xml file which is present in the probe folder ($NIM_ROOT\probes\service\ems\log4j2.xml) and change the value for "SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy" here: