data_engine running in Secondary Mode on HA/failover hub
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data_engine running in Secondary Mode on HA/failover hub


Article ID: 278266


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


We have set up a hub for HA/failover purposes in our environment, and installed a secondary data_engine.  When configuring this data_engine we recieve a popup messag stating that the data_engine is working in secondary mode and will not perform maintenance.


What can we do about this?



Expected Behavior


This is an expected message and does not need to be addressed, as long as the message is only happening on the secondary hub data_engine (HA/failover.)

The data_engine probe performs database maintenance which cleans up the old/historic data after it has reached the retention limits (e.g. 90 days).  This happens on a nightly basis and is configured under 'General' tab in data_engine.

On a secondary/HA hub this will be grayed out intentionally and the given popup message will occur.

Only one data_engine probe in each environment, the one which is located on the primary hub, can perform this maintenance.  Otherwise, there would be conflicts in the data deletion process.

So it is normal and expected that this popup will occur on secondary hub data_engine probes.  It is telling you that the data maintenance will be performed by the primary data_engine only.

As long as this message is occuring on the secondary/failover/HA hub(s) there is no action needed.


Additional Information

This applies to HA/Failover/secondary hubs.

If you see this popup on the primary hub please see this article.