Procedure for certificates in Fault Tolerant Spectrum environment. (self signed and CA signed)
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Procedure for certificates in Fault Tolerant Spectrum environment. (self signed and CA signed)


Article ID: 278259


Updated On:


DX NetOps CA Spectrum


I have Fault Tolerant ( Primary and Backup ) Main Location Server ( MLS ) with OneClicks and two separate OneClicks in customer environment. 

How to generate:

1. Self-signed certificate in cacerts which tomcat and webtomcat will use

2. The same as above but CSR files ( in the future these CSRs will be signed ).


Fault Tolerant Spectrum


Guidance for certificate creation


1. Move to $SPECROOT/Java/bin 

2. Generate Private key to both OneClick servers:

keytool -genkey -alias tomcatssl -keyalg RSA -keystore <path_to_cacerts> -ext SAN=dns:FQDN1,dns:FQDN2,ip:<IP>,ip:<IP>"

3. Then to confirm the SAN was added, execute next:

keytool -list -v -keystore <path_to_cacerts>

4. Then create the Certificate Signing Request ( CSR ):

keytool -certreq -alias tomcatssl -keystore <path_to_cacerts> -ext SAN=dns:FQDN1,dns:FQDN2,ip:<IP>,ip:<IP>" -file cert-req.csr

  • SAN parameters must be specified and match the ones from step 2

5. Check the certificate requested included the SAN extension, with next command line

keytool -printcertreq -file cert-req.csr

6.1 Self-signed certificate:

  • Generate certificate from CSR

    keytool -gencert -alias tomcatssl -keystore <path_to_cacerts> -infile cert-req.csr -outfile /usr/cert_signed.pem -rfc


6.2 CA signed - send CSR to CA authority

7. Import certificate:

Import the certificate following the steps described in the documentation:
Import a CA-Signed Certificate


Additional Information

Configure OneClick for HTTPS