What does it mean when a CCS Standard is marked as deprecated?
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What does it mean when a CCS Standard is marked as deprecated?


Article ID: 278225


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Control Compliance Suite Standards Server Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Module


Control Compliance Suite (CCS)

In the CCS console, you notice that some of the predefined standards are marked as deprecated, and you want to know what that means.

Example in the CCS console:


CCS 12.6.X


When a CCS Standard is marked as Deprecated, that means that the standard (and any checks within that standard) are no longer supported and no fixes or changes will be made to that deprecate standard and/or checks.

A predefined standard is typically deprecated when one or more of the following happens:

  1. A newer version of the standard has been released by the Center for Internet Security (CIS), so the older version of that standard is deprecated and is no longer supported.  Any fixes or changes will be made in the newest non-depricated release of that standard.  In the example below, the 'CIS Benchmark for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 v1.0.0 level 2' was deprecated once the newer 'CIS Red Hat Linux 8 Benchmark v2.0.0 level 2' was released.
  2. A platform or database has reached the End of Life (EOL) by the vendor.  Example: Windows 2008 platform.
  3. An application is no longer supported by Broadcom.