Using System-level symbolics to substitute release-level in CLIST and STC.
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Using System-level symbolics to substitute release-level in CLIST and STC.


Article ID: 278120


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


Using the same CLIST to start different releases of SYSVIEW on different systems.


To start different versions of SYSVIEW on different systems with the same CLIST, the best option would be to use system-level symbolics.

On each system, in the SYS1.PARMLIB, you can create a new symbolic in the IEASYM## member to reflect the version of SYSVIEW that is on that system.

For example, in the IEASYM## member, add:

SYMDEF(&SVREL='sysv150') -or- SYMDEF(&SVREL='sysv160')

The IEASYM## member is dynamic and can be loaded with the MVS SET LOAD command.

After this, update the dataset names in the CLIST and STCs to use &SVREL instead of sysv150 or sysv160.