Is ENF required to run MTC-A?
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Is ENF required to run MTC-A?


Article ID: 278092


Updated On:


OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


One of the steps of the section "Establish Communication Between OPS/MVS Subsystems and MTC-A" says that a DCM must be defined to ENF:

4. Define Event OPSMVS01 to CAIENF
Perform these steps on each z/OS system that is running an OPS/MVS subsystem that will connect to MTC-A:

a. Copy module OPEDCM0 from the OPS/MVS target load library hlq.CCLXLOAD to the Common Components and Services (CCS) deployed DCM load library hlq.CAW0DCM that is used by the Event Notification Facility (CAIENF).

b. Add this entry to the ENFPARM file of the ENF STC PROC:


c. Restart ENF.

Is this definition a requirement?

The section of the documentation referred to above can be found in the link below:

Establish Communication Between OPS/MVS Subsystems and MTC-A





This CAIENF event OPSMVS01 (module OPEDCM0) is only required in a specific situation where the product PDSMAN is used.

OPEDCM0 module allows the automatic detection of rule changes by MTCA in the specific case where PDSMAN was started AFTER OPS.
So, OPEDCM0 is of rather minor significance as MTCA will refresh its rule list periodically anyway and MTCA will run fine without it.