When viewing discovery profiles in the DX Netops Portal, some or all of the instances are missing in the list.
There is a space where the instance date should be for selection if any are visible.
DX Netops Performance Management 23.3.2 or lower
Defect: DE579747
This issiue is resovled in DX Netops 23.3.3 and later:
Symptom: The Select Discovery Instance list in the Discovery History dialog does not display anything if the user preferences for the date format was set to Short, 24 hour clock.
Resolution: With this fix, the list now shows all instances regardless of the date format in force.
(23.3.3, DE579747)
This can also be seen if the date is 24 hours and the date format is medium.
As a workaround, set the date format to long in your user preferences, this will allow all instances to be seen.
See the 23.3.x Fixed Issues list.